We are very excited about turning 100!

PARTY AT EIP: JUNE 2, 2024 from 1 - 4 pm

As the oldest co-operative Preschool in the Nation, we want to celebrate with our beloved community and all the families and children that have built the core and foundation of our Preschool for many years.

Stay tunned; on this page we will make announcements and share important information about this special event. Please also RSVP on our Facebook Event HERE.

If you have valuable material, information and/or want to help with planning and organization PLEASE CONTACT US! We plan for this event to be from and for the community

Learn more about our Cooperative, our classroom and our educational philosophy!

Learn more about Mrs. Foote, our wonderful teacher!

Did you know the Nation’s oldest Cooperative Preschool is right here in Ithaca?  Learn more!

Have a question?  Here are some answers!

Now Enrolling for Fall 2024
and beyond!

Our school hours are 9am - 12pm, Monday through Friday. Children who are 3-5 years old can attend 2, 3 or 5 days per week.   Students between 2.5 and 3 may attend 2 days only (though exceptions can be made depending on child's readiness)Please see our enrollment page for more details.

Discover Cooperatives!  What it means for your family, your child and their educational experience!

Interested in Learning More?

Support East Ithaca Preschool with a Donation!